Ok, I've been covering this subject randomly in the comments section of most of our posts this week.. but I feel it needs some extra attention.
So, in my usually grand style.. I'm not going to pull punches.
I have a question.. Why the fuck do you self absorbed now-generation shitheads feel like you are owed something.. simply because PSN has been down nearing 2 weeks now?
I am getting really fucking sick of this.. every where I go, I see this same petty bullshit.
It's like saying "Well, I know my favorite hooker has Mono, But.. Mr Pimp.. when she gets back to full time duty.. I feel as I should get free blowjobs for the next 3 months.."
It's beyond fucking moronic that you should even think about asking for anything at all for free.
You don't ask your dealer to make your next bag fat because he's currently out at the moment..
It's not even a "rain check" type situation.. because really.. You haven't even lost anything..
The service they provide is FUCKING FREE.
If it were XBL, I would simply expect to be comped to make up for the downtime, but that is all.
Sure, it sucks that PSN is STILL down.. and yes, it does suck not being able to play with and message friends.
But that does not give you the right to act like a fucking spoiled princess about it. And that's how you are coming off.. like a spoiled bitch princess.
Have some fucking honor for once in your miserable fucking lives. Stop begging for free shit.
I know your either poor as shit or mommy won't let you have her credit card to buy shit normally, so you probably see this as a chance to "score some free shit.."
ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME... That's all the fuck you care about.. you think your owed the fucking world on a silver platter. Well, guess what cunts.. your in for a rude awakening.
You get what you pay for, and you haven't paid for shit. Everything you think you have will still be there when PSN comes back online.. You act like someone took all your trophies away, and stuck a dildo in your ass.
I AM happy about the PS+ 30 days for free.. I PAID for a 3 month subscription, and since it HAS been down for 1/6 of that time.. I am glad that came forward and said that they were going to give us that for free. It makes up for time lost.
What I don't understand.. Is this bullshit about all these people acting like Sony has lost "Many, Many fans..". This is not true at all. I am a Sony fan, and I have lost zero respect for them. This is the first major problem PSN has had in the four or so years it has been running.
Saying things like.. "Well, PSN is down I'm just going to sell my PS3 and buy an Xbox.. because I don't trust them now.." is kind of like saying, "Well shit, the power is out.. I'm going to go back to using candles.. because I don't trust the power company now."
See how stupid that sounds..
I know it's probably not most of your faults, your douche bag parents raised you in their douche bag ways, and guess what? That's right.. your a douche bag too
You are being a dick.
Stop it.
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