Yes this is a rant about trophies..
There's a few things about the Playstation community that just piss me the fuck off. But, today.. I'm going to narrow it down.
1. If you don't like trophies, then shut the fuck up.
If you don't enjoy achieving the satisfaction of knowing you mastered everything there is to do in a specific game.. Then what the fuck is your problem? I'm sick of hearing people put trophy hunters down simply because they enjoy what they do. If it's something you like or agree with.. then just shut the fuck up and leave the rest of humanity alone. I mean, I don't come down to your job and slap the dick out of your mouth, so let us do what we want.. and you just keep on sucking.
2. Stop ranking platinum trophies..
Some poor bastard goes thru an entire game collecting all the trophies until he gets the platinum trophy, only for some other elitist fuck to say its not a good platinum. I say fuck that. Time invested = platinum equality, to an extent. Say someone goes thru Cabela's Outdoor Adventures and gets the platinum.. and then on the forums.. some dick is talking about how he wouldn't play that game because it's not a good platinum. I don't see anything wrong with a hunting platinum. So, let me get this straight.. running around in a small map where 10 people are just shooting each other in the face for 40 hours is ok.. but hunting down specific animals, which takes alot more skill then say a CoD multiplayer game, is no good? Why? And that leads me to my next topic....
3. Stop making fun of people for having certain platinum trophies.
Yes, it's funny to make fun of someone for having the Hanna Montana or Ice Age 3 platinum. I'll agree.. but most people don't understand that when this shit first started, there wasn't alot of trophies to go around. I remember at one point, all it took was for someone to say that a game had trophies.. and people flocked to it. I personally have many platinum trophies that I am proud of, and others, not so much. But, you don't see me going around ripping people apart because of what they have played in the past.
4. Developers, Stop making multi-player trophies.
Most MP trophies are kind of cool if they are really easy. Getting trophies for trying the different types of games available, maybe a trophy for getting a few headshots in a row.. that's all fine and good. But understand this.. NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY wants to play your god damn FPS for 500 hours, for a single bronze trophy. Give them the fucking trophy early, and IF they like your game.. they WILL play it. Getting through the fucking "impossible mode" single player story should be enough.. if they want to hang around after that, then trophies should not and do not matter.
5. Stop making fucking impossible trophies.
And by this, I'm looking straight at you Dead Space 2.. Fuck you. Like I have said on many occasions.. I have no problem what-so-ever with a game being really hard. But making one trophy in your game damn near impossible to achieve, is just fucking retarded. Once again, Beating the "Impossible mode" story run should be enough.. but limiting me to only 3 saves over the course of the entire game makes me want to skull fuck the developer that thought it was a "good idea". You bitch and moan about people buying used games instead of buying new games.. but you just don't understand that if you make someone rage quit.. they will dump your shitty game for a pack of skittles. Listen to your fucking fans, they are the ones that allow you to continue EATING.. you dumb fucks.
I could go on for days on this subject, but you get the jest of it. I will probably end up doing a part 2 to this post.. its such rich material.
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