Now where were we? Oh yes, this weeks review.
Well, if you come here and are reading this expecting me to absolutely hate this game.. then I have some news for you. I do not hate this game.
Actually it's pretty damn good. I mean not the best game ever, but just really good. Don't look at me like that, I'm just as surprised as you are..
Do you think I like getting hold of a game that I waited months for thinking it would be a goldmine of negativity, simply to be let down by slight awesomeness?
Well, I don't..
It leaves me thinking I should have reviewed the god awful Phineas and Ferb game instead.. Now that is probably going to be a pathetic piece of shit. But since our editor Spencer threatened the entire office with bodily harm if he didn't get to review it, I am left with Captain America. A game that is making haters eat large mounds of shit on a daily basis.
I am seriously hoping some of you will just give this game a chance.. you might just enjoy it as much as I did.
So here we go..
For every game Sega fucks up, I am left sitting and thinking that one of these days, we will see one good one. While I still think that Sega is the the retarded, inbred cousin of the gaming industry, sometimes some companies are just too stupid to die.. for a reason. And after releasing this game, it leaves me to wonder just what the fuck they were smoking when they released their last 20 games.. and how the hell do I score some.
For those of you who don't know or might have just immigrated from some shithole 3rd world country, Captain America is a Marvel comic book character.. one that has led a comic book series going all the way back to about the 1930's or 40's.
This GAME though.. came out about a week ago.. and I feel the devs working on this.. should be allowed to take the devs that worked on the Thor game, released by Sega a few months ago, out to a back alley where they can proceed to shoot them in the fucking face.
The Good:
This game has similarities to a few games, some could argue that it is alot like Batman AA.. although its more like a Prince of Persia type game. You basically go around beating the shit out of bad guys with your bare hands, while occasionally throwing your shield at them. The game has a combo system, which is not overly difficult.. but gets the job done. This game is also thrust into that famous "Trophy Whore" catagory.. meaning its easy as hell. And while lasting a mere 8-10 hours.. even the dumbest, drooling ps3 or Xbox fan can have 1 more platinum trophy or 1000 gs.
The Bad:
Although I cannot say much in the way of anything bad, it would be nice if this game had a tutorial.. I did not have the manual, and a few things were not exactly easy to figure out. But through trial and error, you should be stomping the shit out of robots with the best of them.
The Story:
The story for Captain America: Super Soldier is written by comic, film, and TV writer Christos Gage. The primary writer for the Marvel's Avengers: The Initiative series of comics, Gage has written numerous books for major Marvel characters, including Siege: Captain America, Iron Man, X-Men, Spider-Man, Civil War: House of M, and Union Jack.
The game takes place in one large open world city, over the course of one day. Dropped behind enemy lines, Cap lets his fists do the talking as he bashes his way to the top of the food chain. Well, due to a disappointing last boss we'll just says he goes as far as he can. Red Skull's army are notably some of the biggest pussies I have every fought in a video game.. some of which you can take out with just a single punch.
The Gameplay:
Being loosely considered a "sandbox" title.. you are let loose in a city that is quite large. Getting from point A to point B takes quite a while, but once the sewers are opened up.. you can get to just about anywhere in a matter of minutes. And that's a good thing too, because your going to need it. Missions send you off randomly through the castle, and there are many, many collectables to find along the way. If you do not find them all on your first sweep, then you will be doing a bit of backtracking.
And for those of you that think the game is "too easy", there is a challenge mode with 10 challenges that will test your ability to stomp some serious robot ass. Be warned though.. due to time constraints, these challenges will not be a walk in the park.
The Graphics:
While not being top-notch, the graphics are also not bad either.. they are pretty much good throughout. Everything is sharply defined, and sets the mood nicely. The level designs are well thought out as well.. making this game even that much more fun. I will say they could have made each enemy soldier group look a little more varied. There seems to be about 12 different types of bad guys, and they just keep swapping them out at random.
The Sound:
The soundtrack is done well, further setting the mood.. but after a few hours you've pretty much heard it all and its time for some Avenged Sevenfold or your favorite music to kick ass too.
The Lasting Appeal:
There is really no lasting appeal to this game, like I said above.. even a complete moron could finish this game in 10 hours.. and that's doing everything you need to do to earn the platinum trophy or 1000 gamer score. After that you will probably just sell it, so it better to just rent this one.
The Trophies:
The trophies come fast and furious in the game, simple ones like X number of kills with X, beat the game, complete the challenges, and find all the shit. You do not have to beat this game on hard.. there is no trophy for difficulty, so knock yourself stupid and dial it down to retard.
To sum it up, I had fun playing this game, it's an easy game that most gamers can complete in one sitting.. but you will be having a blast while playing it. And that's pretty cool in this era of gaming.. beings as most games feel like work more than play.
In conclusion.. Rent this, I wouldn't buy it.
The Bottom Line:
Story: 5.0
Gameplay 8.0
Multiplayer: N/A
Graphics: 6.5
Sound: 5.5
Lasting Appeal: 3.0
Trophies: 8.0
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