Thursday, November 14, 2013

We're almost there..

The countdown is almost over, and we have reached zero hour.

Tonight, alot of people will be happy, elated, exhausted and probably shot or stabbed over the Playstation 4.

 I say this because no one else will, but you know it's true, just wait until the news tomorrow.

 So, with that being said, I would like to call for "Gamer Martial Law". If you are leaving Gamestop tonight and you see a shadowy figure behind you lurking in the darkness... make sure you have some sort of defense.

Please, I do not condone undue violence.. But, please someone pack a 15 inch dildo with you to the release.. Because I would LOVE to see the news story "Would-be thief beaten half to death by 15 inch sex toy" on the news.

I will not be attending the release, I have gathered my PS4 by other means.

But history has proven they when you leave tonight, you will be preyed upon.

 Now for something of a lighter note.

Congratulations, you are one of the lucky few who will be receiving a console tonight, not everybody who wants one can say that.

 I took Sony's deal to upgrade Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag to the PS4 version, Gamefly shipped me Need for Speed: Rivals, and we will be receiving Contrast and Resogun or whatever the fuck they call it on Tuesday for free.

 So, I already have 4 games for the new system.

Anyway this is just a note to remind you to be safe, remember to wear phone books taped to your chest as armor. Enough from me. Let's party. que the victory dance....

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