Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ive been sick as a dog..


All week this week I've been so incredibly sick.. it's just sad. I have something that's somewhat more than a cold, yet less than the flu. It started as like a head cold, and then settled in my chest. I don't really know how I contracted this bullshit, but I have a good idea.

Last week, I did something.. something so horrible that I feel bad even saying it out loud. That's right, I went shopping at Wal-Mart. It must have been one of those disgusting fucking breeders, that was spreading their bullshit germs all over everything. You know that kind of people.. The disgusting, nasty, waste of human skin, breeders with their 14 kids (that their paying no attention to..), coughing and spreading their nasty scum all over everything in the entire store. There must be a sign I keep missing at the door to Wal-Mart that says, "Welcome to Wal-Mart, let your stupid fucking kids go ape shit." Anyway.. I don't have to explain any further.. you people shop there.. you have to, I'm sure my $76.00 purchase didn't set them for life. Ain't that some shit, I go in there for a certain specific ink pen, that it seems they only sell there, and end up with 80 bucks worth of shit. Pilot Precise V5 Rolling ball ink pen.. best writing tool ever invented.

So, I really didn't mean for this blog entry to end up being filled with Wal-Mart hate.. It's just kind of an natural response I have. I really hate Wal-Mart...

Anyway.. This entry is about the things in the news the last couple of days that has really been pissing me off.. This moronic shit, not only gets way too much air-time.. but it is mostly problems that could be solved instantly. Here are the top 5 thing that have pissed me off in the last week, while I've been sick on the couch, because of the fucking Wal-mart folk.

5. Pigs with Lipstick..

What the hell? I knew Obama was an inexperienced moron, but.. damn! I mean, how much more scandel does the average American need? Slumlords, Crazy premiscious preachers, picking a complete duchbag for VP, having zero experience, being compaired to jesus, and now this 4th grade insult bullshit.. My god!! Enough already.. I mean.. when your running against a WAR HERO, with over 30 years of service and 20 something years of politician experience.. you'd think he'd just shut the fuck up and state only facts. John McCain was a P.O.W., and was tortured, as the enemy tried like hell to get information that would hurt our country.. and John told them to go fuck theirself.. and reset his own broken bones. I just don't see a decision that need to be made here.. If you vote for Obama.. your a fucking retard.

My advice: Sit Obama down and show him the tapes of John Kerry trying to crack jokes 4 years ago.. and explain what happened.

4. New for sale on eBay: Michael Jackson's unwashed underware.

Holy SHIT!!.. I guess you really can buy anything on eBay! Do everybody a favor, if you bid on this.. please find a way to let everybody know who you are.. so we can stay far the fuck away for you.

My advice: What the fuck... I'm speechless...

3. AGAIN with the O.J. Simpson Bullshit?!?!

Now let me get this straight, O.J. kills 2 people.. gets aquitted, causes tons more bullshit.. and they let him off the hook.. And now he goes to court AGAIN.. this time for stealing shit at gunpoint. Is it me, or is this going against everything that is the normal..? Let's run the checklist:

A> Is O.J. rich? X

B> Is O.J. well liked? X

C> Is O.J. dating anybody rich or well liked? X

D> Is Johnny Cochren still dead? O

Ok.. now.. why the fuck isn't he in jail already? If you get aquitted for a double homicide.. you should just pack your shit.. leave the country.. and never be seen again. Out of sight.. out of mind.. but noooo this moron decides it's a good idea to go into a casino hotel with GUNS.. and a fucking POSSE.. and gets himself caught on audiotape threating people. Does he WANT to go to jail? What the hell?

My advice: Pay Fred Goldman, and die.

2. Free Credit Commericals

With all the stalkers, murders, felons, and people who've done time for assault.. NOBODY's got pissed off enough to tie these fuckers to a random railroad track.. and record it so the whole world can watch it on youtube and cheer. This is the most annoying shit I have ever seen. You people know who the hell i'm talking about.. These 3 fucking guys.. have got so annoying.. that they have passed up the former record holder, Smiling Bob, with flying colors.

My advice: Railroad track, hammer, creativity

1. Little Girl lost

Caylee Anthony, the little girl on the news everyday.. still missing.. her mother seemingly doesn't know where she is. Her mothers car smells like a human dead body, and chemicals.. When it comes down to it, the mother probably drugged the child so her hood rat ass could go clubbing with her friends, and overdosed this poor little child.
Her mother is the biggest lying piece of shit I have ever seen. I guarentee you that for just 5 minutes alone with this skank bitch, me and Mr. Telephone book could get the truth out of her on where her daughter is. This is one of the rare cases that the police need to beat the living shit out of this bitch until she gives up the whereabouts of this child, dead or alive. I can't believe there are people out there that would treat their children this way. It's all just completely insane.

My advice: I think I've said enough..

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